Decent fences may create excellent neighbours, but only if they are built with your neighbours in mind. That’s because there’s more to setting up a fence than just deciding what material to use and how it should appear. The nature of the property lines, local restrictions, and potentially even requirements from a homeowners association (HOA) should all be taken into account. So, if you’re thinking of putting up a fence, or if your neighbour has gotten out the measuring tape but hasn’t said anything to you, here are some things to check off your list before you put the first post in the ground.

Fence Builder

What occurs before a fence is erected?

  1. Have your property surveyed by a registered professional surveyor. You and your neighbours may believe you know where your property border is, but getting the lines confirmed before breaking ground is the prudent choice. A few hundred dollars up front might save thousands in legal bills later on. This can also assist you in avoiding the installation of a fence near or on underground utility lines.
  2. Research local regulations and HOA standards for fences. This will, of course, change depending on where you reside, so reviewing local and county legislation is essential. Any restrictions mentioned by a HOA must also be considered. These specifications will include how tall a fence may be (this will vary depending on where the fence is placed), the material of the fence, which side of the fence faces out, and so on. The city may also require a permit for theĀ Fence Builder .
  3. Discuss the fence with your neighbors. The fence creates a barrier between neighbors, but establishing one needs dialogue in the first place. Individuals may have ideas about the nature of the fence, the materials used, how it will affect shading, or even where the fence should be put along the property line. Regardless of who is constructing the fence, putting everything in writing will assist both parties prevent confusion if the situation escalates to litigation.

Speaking with neighbors before constructing a fence may result in a fence friendship: A neighbor could be willing to help with building and upkeep, reducing the cost and labor strain. This is especially essential if the fence is erected along the property line, because the fence legally belongs to both neighbors when they “use” it. Naturally, “use” is defined differently depending on where you are, so check the legislation.